5 Ways to Support Your Clients

We’re coming up on a year of living through a worldwide pandemic. Due to the constant changes in regulations, there's always new news and you don’t know what to believe. What clients need most is a dependable source like you. Now is a better time than ever to check in on your clients and provide helpful insights to help navigate their financial and homebuying journey.

Like we’ve said before, people do business with people. Although you can’t physically be with all of your clients, you can still reach out and provide support. For this week’s Tips, here are 5 ways to support your clients during these times. 

Support 101

#1 Humanize your business

Although you’re in the business of selling, don’t let that be the driver of your outreach. Address the current reality and empathize with how your clients are dealing with the pandemic. When special occasions arrive, be sure to celebrate them and bring some happiness to their life.

#2 Educate with updates

As you do research on the market trends, share your knowledge! As regulations adjust, reach out to your sphere via newsletters and emails to keep them up to date. This content can be helpful for buyers, sellers, or other agents!

#3 Provide reassurance

As you know, the market is booming! For those new to investing, the decision to buy/sell during this time can be a bit overwhelming. Approach these clients with the facts that apply to their situation. A trusted advisor is helpful for navigating financial situations, showing regulations, and contact-free communication. 

#4 Innovate your business

Due to restrictions, the traditional methods of selling real estate are out the window. In response, you have to adapt with innovation and be creative. Whether that means getting tech savvy with new tools or doing contact-free drop by's, try something new that'll be memorable!

#5 Adapt for the future 

One day, “normal life” will settle in. When that day comes, don’t abandon these new skills and fall back into old ways. Apply what you’ve learned and leverage them to your future goals. The more adaptable your business is, the better you can serve a wider audience of clients!

 For more helpful tips, visit Realtor Magazine

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