Getting Your Real Estate Life Together: Q&A with Cory Flores

Name, Location and how long have you been an Agent

Cory Flores, San Antonio TX, I'm into my second year

How would you describe your brand?

Personable, Relatable & Inspiring. I love that people are able to relate to me in some way. Whether it be my sense of style or that I'm a working mom with twins, I love making connections with people because of that.

How do you differentiate yourself?

It's all about creating an enjoyable experience. I deliver a tailored approach to my clients by listening to their wants/needs throughout the process. It's more than just a transaction for me. I am their proactive trusted advisor. I'm here for my clients during and after we close. Although real estate transactions can be complex and stressful at times, I don't allow my clients to feel it.  

What marketing method is most effective for you and why?

Social media for sure! I am always trying to find ways to provide value to my followers. My social media platforms encompass me as a wife, mother, and fashionista with attainable style.

What marketing method is least effective for you and why?

Trying to chase people I don't know. The majority of my business has been from people I already knew before getting into real estate. People do business with People they know, like and trust.

What are your three favorite ways to start a conversation?

By asking questions. I want to find out more about the person I'm having a conversation with.

How are you elevating the look and feel of your business?

By thinking outside the box and staying true to who I am. I'm willing to try things others don't. I love incorporating my family into my business (being relatable). I keep my content fresh and relevant.

What's one piece of advice you would give a new agent?

I have two pieces of advice. Align yourself and your business with the right brokerage that offers resources such as education courses. There is so much to learn in this business. Second, start creating systems such as building your database. You will eventually get so busy that it will be difficult to stop what you're doing to create and implement a system to make your business run efficiently.

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