Getting Your Real Estate Life Together: Q&A with Harrison Cobbs

Name, Location and how long have you been an Agent

Harrison, Colorado Springs, CO, 16 months

How would you describe your brand?

I've try to develop my brand based on my values and drive as a real estate agent. Within my career, I strive to be the best I can be and to differentiate myself from others. My brand expresses the ways in which I try to make the experiences of those around me extremely positive, as well as the extent to which I dedicate myself to my career.

How do you differentiate yourself?

I differentiate myself by not being a "basic agent." I do this by not only being a real estate professional, but more so a friend that represents my clients best interests throughout the process. I make this process memorable by emphasizing the excitement and fun in accomplishing real estate goals through humor and light heartedness, without losing site of the goal and professionalism. While some people make the assumption that my age is a weakness, I see it as a strength because I bring unlimited energy and availability to the table.

What marketing method is most effective for you and why?

Instagram due to me being young, and the majority of my sphere of influence being on Instagram. My profile allows my clients to follow my journey and trust me before they even meet me in person

What marketing method is least effective for you and why?

My least effective marketing method is actually Facebook due to my generation not interacting on it as much as the generations before us. While I see the benefit of Facebook, I get more interactions via other social media platforms.

What are your three favorite ways to start a conversation?

My three favorite ways to start a conversation are by either asking someone about their story, favorite sports/teams, or by showing them a picture of my dog. I try to build rapport prior to diving into business conversations.

How are you elevating the look and feel of your business?

I am elevating the look and feel of my business through social media content that makes people want to follow me, rather than emphasizing the priorly established fact that I am a real estate agent.

What's one piece of advice you would give a new agent?

One piece of advice that I would give an agent is to be a "yes man." Always say yes to any opportunity the industry presents you whether it's showing for another agent, sitting in on an inspection, taking a class, or working with a client outside of your desired price range or location.

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