Getting Your Real Estate Life Together: Q&A with Nikki Dunkle

Name, Location and how long have you been an Agent

Nikki Dunkle, Portland, OR, in the Real Estate Industry for about 2 years and licensed since January 2020!

How would you describe your brand?

I like to say my brand is authentically me which is all inclusive, educational, honest, fun and always evolving. I strive to be better than I was yesterday and let my work show for it. I’m passionate about adding as much value to other people’s lives as feasible.

How do you differentiate yourself?

I'm always here for my clients, before, during and after the transaction. I pride myself in my ability to see the bigger picture, listen to my clients and connect them to opportunities that best match their needs. Additionally, I never under estimate the importance of preparedness, communication and consistency. I absolutely love to serve others and my business allows me to do so!

What marketing method is most effective for you and why?

I think the most effective marketing method is always through social media platforms. My favorite platform is Instagram. People like to know who you are as an individual, it makes things more personal. When it comes to marketing homes, I like to utilize top-notch professional photography, video, 3D, digital renderings and staging — teamed with my brokerage's brand.

What marketing method is least effective for you and why?

I am going to say it.... Ads or capturing "leads" through Facebook, Instagram and even Zillow. It's least effective for me because I feel like it takes away from genuinely getting to know clients and building a lifelong relationship.

What are your three favorite ways to start a conversation?

It really depends on the situation. I like to find a common ground. I usually start with a questions about themselves. "What's your sign?" is one of my most commonly used (I always seem to get a good first reaction that way). Complimenting them and cracking a joke. I love making people smile.

How are you elevating the look and feel of your business?

I am elevating my business with the help of All Things Real Estate's marketing gear, attending educational zoom classes to further my knowledge of real estate and working on building relationships with amazing people I can refer.

What's one piece of advice you would give a new agent?

It's going to be very hard at first but DON'T GIVE UP! Always ask to help the seasoned agents whether it's hosting their open houses or even dropping off flyers. They will see your eagerness to help and I can guarantee they will want to help you succeed.

Connect with Nikki!

1 comment

  • Todd Lemense

    Nikki is a polished real estate professional. We plan on listing our house with her when the time comes.

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