Tips To Start Conversations on Social Media

Social media contains the word “social” for a reason, but what if no one on your page is actually socializing? It’s a bit like hosting a dance party and having guests sit silently on the sidelines. Kind of defeats the purpose, right?

While your personal page might get tons of interaction and conversation, getting that same level of engagement on your business page can be a struggle. Letting your personality shine through your business is key to building trust before you land the deal.

At All Things Real Estate, we believe in the story behind the people and the business. Today, we’ll be sharing 6 tips to start conversations on your social media to build your brand.

Social Media 101

#1 Keep it short

Social Media users tend to scroll quickly down their timelines. Keep your message short and direct with 40 characters or less. If the content is valuable, they’ll come back for more.

#2 Ask Questions

Post an image or caption that prompts a question. Try posting a poll, multiple-choice options, or asking for feedback that encourages a response.

#3 Talk like a friend, not a company

People trust the person before the business. Speak to your followers in a way that’s relatable and friendly. You can do this by posting your daily work life or commenting on your followers' pages.

#4 Slide in the DM’s

Take some time to send a direct message to your engaged followers. Forget the sales pitch. Reach out with a friendly hello and see if they're in the market for your services. 

#5 Post Consistently

Posting 5-7 times per week will make you a regular on your followers' timelines. Pick one day that you post something unique that people can look forward to.

#6 Mix up your posts

Rather than always posting photos, try mixing up your content with videos, graphics, or live streams. This will keep your content fresh while maintaining the theme of your brand.


For more tips on increasing your follower engagement, visit z57 blog

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